It is planned to launch a call for proposals for funding under the European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate, Environment 2021-2027 Program (FENX.01.01 Energy Efficiency) soon, addressed to medium-sized and large enterprises planning investments...
EU Funds

Nazywam się Grzegorz Kokoszkiewicz. Jestem certyfikowanym doradcą podatkowym (nr 11907) i posiadam kilkunastoletnie doświadczenie w obszarze doradztwa na rzecz polskich i zagranicznych firm w zakresie pozyskiwania wsparcia finansowego ze źródeł publicznych.
Kategorie wpisów
Ecological credit in Poland in 2024 – evaluation criteria
The ecological credit in Poland is financing from EU Funds under the FENG 2021-27 programme, available to both SMEs and large enterprises (small and mid-cap). The public support aimed at improving energy efficiency, particularly through reducing...
Lucrative ecological credit in Poland in 2024 – frequently asked questions (FAQ)
The ecological credit in Poland in 2024 is a non-refundable grant for energy efficiency improvements for entrepreneurs (SMEs and some large entrepreneurs). The ecological credit is up to 80% funding for energy efficiency and renewable energy sources...
Attractive public funding for biogas and biomethane for companies in Poland in 2024
Entrepreneurs will soon be able to apply for funding for RES investment related to biogas and biomethane. In the upcoming call for proposals, PLN 300 million has been earmarked as public support for entrepreneurs.Biogas and biomethane - up...
Attractive ecological credit for companies in Poland in 2024
The ecological credit is a non-refundable subsidy for energy efficiency improvements for entrepreneurs. Receive up to 80% subsidy for the modernisation of machinery and equipment and the installation of RES in your company.The ecological credit is up...
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