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Cash grants for HoReCa, tourism, and culture in Poland in 2024

by | 20 Feb, 2024 | Cash grants

Important information

The call for proposals is opened by 3 October 2024 for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from all over Poland operating in the hotel, catering, tourism, or cultural sectors. Receive up to PLN 540k as a cash grant for business development.

Grants for HoReCa, tourism and culture offer up to 90% funding for investments in modernizing or diversifying operations.

These grants are part of the National Reconstruction Plan and are available to SMEs operating in the hotel, catering, tourism, or cultural sectors throughout Poland. The application process will be conducted by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP).

Don’t hesitate, check your chance to receive a grant today! Almost PLN 1.2 billion will be available as public funding for HoReCA sector entrepreneurs in 2024. It is estimated that up to 3,800 entrepreneurs could benefit from this funding. The calls for proposals is scheduled by 3 October 2024.

Grants for HoReCa, tourism, and culture in Poland in 2024

Who is eligible for grants for HoReCa, tourism and culture?

SMEs from all over Poland engaged in activities in the sectors of hotel, catering, tourism, or culture, under selected PKD codes (registered in the relevant register):

ACCOMMODATION (55.10.Z Hotels and similar accommodation facilities, 55.20.Z Tourist accommodation facilities and short-stay accommodation places, 30.Z Camping sites (including sites for camping vehicles) and tent sites);

FOOD SERVICE ACTIVITIES (56.10.A Restaurants and other catering establishments, 56.10.B Mobile catering facilities, 56.21.Z Preparation and delivery of food for external recipients (catering), 56.29.Z Other catering activities, 56.30.Z Preparation and serving of beverages);


RENTAL AND LEASING (77.21.Z Rental and leasing of recreational and sports equipment, 77.34.Z Rental and leasing of water transport vehicles, 35.Z Rental and leasing of air transport vehicles);

TOURISM ORGANIZERS, INTERMEDIARIES, AND TRAVEL AGENTS, AND OTHER SERVICE ACTIVITIES RELATED TO RESERVATIONS AND RELATED ACTIVITIES (79.11.A Activities of travel agents, 11.B Activities of travel intermediaries, 79.12.Z Activities of tour operators, 79.90.A Activities of tour guides and pilots, 79.90.B Activities in the field of tourist information, 79.90.C Other reservation services not elsewhere classified);


EDUCATION (85.51.Z Extracurricular forms of sports education and sports and recreational activities);

LIBRARY, ARCHIVE, MUSEUM ACTIVITIES, AND OTHER CULTURAL-RELATED ACTIVITIES (91.02.Z Museum activities, 03.Z. Activities of historical sites and buildings and similar tourist attractions, 91.04.Z Activities of botanical and zoological gardens and areas and objects of nature conservation, 96.04.Z Other personal service activities not elsewhere classified).

What projects can receive grants for HoReCa, tourism and culture?

Grants can be used to modernize or diversify business operations (diversification of product or service range), particularly for:

    • construction, expansion, modernization of facilities and service base;
    • purchase of fixed assets;
    • investments in renewable energy sources, waste reduction, and energy consumption reduction (so-called “green” transformation);
    • purchase and implementation of digital technologies (software, automation);
    • training for employees (e.g., related to acquiring new skills or retraining).

As a result of the project implementation, the SME entrepreneur must continue to operate in the HoReCa, tourism, or cultural sectors (under the PKD codes mentioned above).

What support can be expected under grants for HoReCa, tourism, and culture?

Support will be provided in the form of non-repayable grants under de minimis aid.

The amount of funding for eligible costs is up to 90% of net costs (VAT is not eligible for funding).

The maximum net investment value is 600,000 PLN, while the maximum grant value is 540,000 PLN.

The total amount of support planned for distribution under the call for proposals is almost PLN 1.2 billion!

What are the key requirements for grants for HoReCa, tourism and culture?

The entrepreneur must demonstrate a decrease in turnover of at least 20% in 2021 or 2020, calculated year-on-year – i.e., in 2021 compared to 2020 or in 2020 compared to 2019.

The implementation of the investment financed by the cash grant cannot last longer than 12 months and must be completed no later than January 31, 2026.

On the day of submitting the application for funding, the entrepreneur must operate in the region where the project is located. Operating in the region must be confirmed by entry in the appropriate register.

An entrepreneur can submit only one application.

Additional requirements and project evaluation criteria will be published in the competition documentation on the PARP website at the time of the call for proposals.

How to apply for grants for HoReCa, tourism and culture?

The basic steps in terms of applying for the public funding in question may look like the following:

1. Analysis of the entrepreneur’s plans and investment needs for the coming years.

2. Verification whether the subject of the planned investment project qualifies for potential funding.

3. Preliminary verification of the fulfilment of project evaluation criteria and other requirements within the call for proposals.

4. Identify potential alternative and/or additional sources of support for the project and make initial recommendations in terms of securing other forms of public support.

5. Plan the optimal package of grants and tax credits as a source of funding and support for the investment.

6. Preparation of the application documentation including obtaining the required formal documents.

7. Monitoring of the status of the application at the various stages of its assessment and preparation of responses to supplementary documentation at the formal or substantive assessment stage.

8. Signing of the grant agreement and accounting for the grant awarded throughout the investment implementation period.

The action plan is a good introduction to preparing to benefit from this public funding. In practice, many questions or doubts arise and it is crucial to prepare the best possible application documentation, as the interest in obtaining public support is always greater than the available call budget. In such circumstances, doesn’t hesitate to contact me if you need a professional advice.

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