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Attractive public funding for biogas and biomethane for companies in Poland in 2024

by | 11 Jan, 2024 | EU Funds

Important information

Entrepreneurs will soon be able to apply for funding for RES investment related to biogas and biomethane. In the upcoming call for proposals, PLN 300 million has been earmarked as public support for entrepreneurs.

Biogas and biomethane – up to 65% of co-financing for RES investments

This public support is available under the FEnIKS 2021-27 programme, from which both SMEs and large companies can benefit. It is public support for investments in RES installations for the production of biomethane.

The call for applications will be carried out by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW).

Do not hesitate and check your chances of receiving a grant today! PLN 300 million is available as a grant in the next call for applications in 2024. Applications for funding will be open from 31 January 2024 to 12 April 2024.

Biogas and biomethane - public funding

Who can benefit from RES funding for biogas and biomethane?

SMEs and large companies registered in Poland will be able to apply for public funding to finance the planned investment located in Poland.

What types of projects can receive RES biogas and biomethane funding?

Examples of types of projects that can receive public funding:

  • construction, reconstruction, modernisation and expansion of renewable energy sources in the field of biomethane production (including biogas facilities for the production of biomethane and facilities for the purification of biogas to biomethane, with biogas and biomethane storages) together with connection to gas (distribution or transmission) networks;
  • construction or expansion of renewable energy sources with regard to the generation of electricity and/or heat from biogas with energy storage facilities for the RES source in question and connection to the grid, including infrastructure for the use of heat generated in cogeneration.

What support can be counted on within the scope of RES funding for biogas and biomethane?

The support intensity (% of the value of the eligible investment costs) for investments in RES production cannot exceed: 65% – for a micro and small entrepreneur, 55% – for a medium-sized entrepreneur and 45% – for a large entrepreneur. Eligible costs are considered to be the total cost of the investment, taking into account the requirements resulting from the guidelines on eligibility of expenditures.

PLN 300 million is available as a grant in the next call for applications in 2024

What are the key requirements for RES funding for biogas and biomethane?

Investment aid is granted for newly installed or renewed capacity.

The call for proposals foresees support for larger installations, i.e. installations above 0.5 MWe of electricity and/or above 0.5 MWth of heat. The indicated levels refer to the total capacity of all installations included in the project.

For projects using biogas in installations with a total nominal thermal capacity of more than 2 MW as a source of renewable electricity generation, it will be necessary to meet the sustainability criteria in accordance with Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources.

Detailed rules will be set out in the call for proposals documentation, which will be published on the NFOSiGW website.

How to apply for RES funding for biogas and biomethane?

The basic steps in terms of applying for the public funding in question may look like the following:

1. Analysis of the entrepreneur’s plans and investment needs for the coming years.

2. Verification whether the subject of the planned investment project qualifies for potential funding.

3. Preliminary verification of the fulfilment of project evaluation criteria and other requirements within the call for proposals.

4. Identify potential alternative and/or additional sources of support for the project and make initial recommendations in terms of securing other forms of public support.

5. Plan the optimal package of grants and tax credits as a source of funding and support for the investment.

6. Preparation of the application documentation including obtaining the required formal documents.

7. Monitoring of the status of the application at the various stages of its assessment and preparation of responses to supplementary documentation at the formal or substantive assessment stage.

8. Signing of the grant agreement and accounting for the grant awarded throughout the investment implementation period.

The action plan is a good introduction to preparing to benefit from this public funding. In practice, many questions or doubts arise and it is crucial to prepare the best possible application documentation, as the interest in obtaining public support is always greater than the available call budget. In such circumstances, doesn’t hesitate to contact me if you need a professional advice.

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